Dr. Don McGann

International Consultants-Orthodontists

Dr. Don McGann,DDS


Founder, Consultant

Las Vegas, Neveda, USA

Dr. Don McGann, DDS graduated from the University Of Pacific Dental School with OKU honors and immediately went into private practice in Laguna Niguel and Santa Ana, California.

While attending large amounts of dental continuing education during the 1970’s, he discovered his passion for orthodontics and began a thorough study of the field that has continued to this day.

Initially teaching for the United States Dental Institute (USDI) from 1980-1984,Dr.McGann continued to research orthodontics through exhaustive independent study, attending seminars offered by orthodontists, and practicing thousands of cases in a high volume clinical setting.

This immersion led Dr. McGann to a comprehensive understanding of orthodontics and the most effective methods of teaching ortho to the general dentist.

In 1984, Dr.McGann created and began teaching his own orthodontic course, Progressive Orthodontic Seminars (POS). Progressive was designed to streamline the straight-wire type techniques taught in university orthodontic programs,allowing dentists to offer orthodontics to their patients at a standard of care indentical to that of orthodontist. As graduating dentists told their colleagues about the program and the fun and profitable new specialty in their practice, POS continued to grow exponentially, eventually being taught in seventeen different countries with thousands of graduates worldwide.

Between editing the GP Ortho News, presenting lectures at the ADA and AGD annual meetings, and the worldwide success of Progressive Orthodontic Seminars, Dr. McGann has established himself as the world’s leader of GP orthodontic education. Dr. McGann holds several orthodontic patents and has been published in the Journal of Clinical Orthodontic, Asian Dentist, GP Ortho News, and numerous other journals.

Additional achievements include his creation of Progressive’s Internet Assisted Training program, which allows students to perform the majority of their orthodontic training through the Internet, and the 2003 introduction of thr Individual Patient Appliance (IP Appliance), the first customized orthodontic appliance, which accelerates case traetment time and eliminates wire-bending.

Never one to rest, Dr. McGann continues to revise the Progressive Otrodontic Seminars curriculum to reflect changes and technological improverments in the field of orthodontics.

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